Cormac Tagging - Official Supplier of Cattle, Sheep, Goat, & Pig Tags

An Irish Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine approved supplier of cattle, sheep, pig and goat identification products

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Cormac Tagging - Ursula Kelly, Operations Director

Welcome to Cormac Tagging — Simply the Best For You

A very warm welcome to Cormac Tagging, Ireland’s leading provider of identification tags for cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats.

As a Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine-approved supplier, your farm’s compliance is always assured.

From official verification by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, to the printing and postage of your tags, we take care of everything as soon as your online order is received.

Your friendly, helpful and knowledgeable Cormac Tagging support team remains always available and committed to providing you with all the advice, help or guidance you need.

Yours in farming,

Ursula Kelly, Operations Director

Cormac Tagging Support

We’re Always There To Support You

Whatever your tagging query, our experienced and knowledgeable team is always-on to offer friendly and helpful advice and guidance. Get in touch today.

Why Choose Cormac Tagging

Fast & Easy Ordering Icon

Fast & Easy Ordering: Once you’ve registered on the Cormac Tagging platform, your herd number and details will be remembered for fast and secure ordering every time you login..

24/7 Service

24/7 Purchasing::
Once you’ve registered on the Cormac
Tagging platform, your herd number and details will be remembered for fast andsecure ordering every time you login..

Real time processing

Real Time Procesing: Once you’ve registered on the Cormac Tagging platform, your herd number and details will be remembered for fast andsecure ordering every time you login..

Time Saving

Time Saving: Once you’ve registered on the Cormac Tagging platform, your herd number and details will be remembered for fast and secure ordering every time you login..

Order Anywhere

Order Anywhere:
Once you’ve registered on the Cormac Tagging platform, your herd number and details will be remembered for fast andsecure ordering every time you login..

Applicator Confirmation

Application Confirmation: Once you’ve registered on the Cormac Tagging platform, your herd number and details will be remembered for fast and secure ordering every time you login..

Peace of mind

Peace of mind:
When your order is complete, your An Post tracking number will be sent via text, so you can track your order right through to delivery at your farm.

Cormac Tagging has joined forces with Irish agritech powerhouses Censortec and Alfco Farm Services in a strategic partnership to offer Irish cattle farmers the complete solution in animal monitoring, auto drafting and identification.