General Questions

We take great pride in our customer service. Prior to contacting us,
view our FAQ first as we have a lot of helpful information.

Yes, from 1st July 2022 all calves born must be tagged with a white electronic and yellow tissue tag set.

No, our universal applicator which you have from us, applies the new electronic tag sets.

Yes, it is a legal requirement to replace a lost electronic tag set with another electronic tag set, similar if you lost a single electronic tag, you must replace it with a single electronic tag.

No, all approved suppliers work from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) AIM database. Regardless of which supplier you use, the DAFM will issue the same tag numbers automatically.

No, our tag application method is different, and we would ask you to carefully read through our instructions and guides before proceeding to tag. Please see “How to Apply Tags”Video for detailed instructions.

No, our Universal Applicator allows you to apply both Electronic tags and Tissue Tags sets without modification as demonstrated in our Tag Fitting Guides and Videos. All new sets of calf tag runs will require the purchase of our Universal Applicator at €29.95. If your individual requirement for speed of application or convenience for loading tags, you can convert your old applicator to a visual tag applicator with a change of pin and use our Universal Applicator to apply the tissue tag.

  • Our Universal Applicator will apply both ear tags without any changes or modification.
  • Can be used with both Cattle and Sheep Tags.

No, the red top is used as an indicator that this side should always be at the back of the calf’s ear as demonstrated in our Tag Fitting Guides and Videos.

If you do not have our Universal Applicator, but have an Allflex® applicator; a special Applicator Pin can be inserted into the Allflex® applicator allowing you to apply specific tags using the Allflex® applicator.

Please note that this applies to:

  • Electronic Tags
  • Replacement Tags

You WILL require our Universal Applicator to apply any of our Tissue Tag sets or Replacement Tissue Tags.

Yes, we can supply all of your replacement tag needs. This includes the following replacement tags

  • Tags issued since Nov 16
  • Tags issued between 1999-2016
  • Tags issued before 1999
  • Any tags on imported animals.



The tag is supplied with desiccant (little white balls within the sample tube) to assist preserve the sample. Best practice guidelines state that the sample should be kept at room temperature before posting to lab within 7 days.

Please contact us and order a supplementary button tag in order to collect a second piece of tissue for BVD testing.

How do I apply for a pig herd number?

Yes, you must have you pig herd registered with the National Pig Identificationa and Tracing System (NPITS).

All breeding pigs must be identified with an approved green eartag bearing the letters IE, pig herd registration and an individual animal number.

All pigs must be tagged moving between units even if the units are owned by the same individual.

More information regarding the requirements govering the identification and registration of animals are available on

All sheep must be tagged before they reach 9 months of age or before they leave the holding.

All lambs moving directly to factory must be tagged with an offical yellow single electronic tag which should be placed in the lamb’s right ear before it leaves the holding.

All sheep going to farm to farm, mart, export or breeding must be identified with a full electronic tag set. i.e Conventional tag in the left ear and a matching electronic tag in the right ear.

Sheep imported from within the EU and from Northern Ireland must retain the original electronic tag set inserted in their country of origin. Must not remove tags from imported sheep.
If you require further offical sheep identification queries

  • Phone: 01 5058833
  • Email:

All goats must be tagged before they reach 9 months of age or before they leave the holding.

All goats must be identified with a matching set of official NGID conventional tags, one in each ear.

Goats being exported must be identified with a full offical electronic tag set. One conventional tag in the left ear and a matching electronic tag in the right ear.